Sunday, December 31, 2006
Went for dinner at this cool place which cooks food on hot rocks.I ordered spicy chicken and just KILLED my self imposed diet of: no spicy food, no chocs, no fried food.My mum and dad went to watch the fireworks while my sis and I went home.My sis and I walked like.. 6 or 7 bus stops down before taking 59 home.We went home and I used the comp while my sis packed her shelf.At about 11.30, I switched on the tv and just continued to use the comp.I sent wei yin the list of suggestions. YAY!I was discussing with gangan the debate hw. Man. The motions are so cheem la.We're so dead..
friends forever ; 6:18 PM
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I arranged to meet Garret at the Tanah Merah MRT platform at 11.15.DAMMIT. Stupid idiot turned up at 11.45. a FULL HALF AN HOUR late.
!@#$%^&*I was standing at the platform listening to my music n reading my book until SOOO sian.Idiot garret!!
Anyway, when he came, we took the MRT to bugis and waited.URGHH. The seniors were late as well.I saw Fiona come from the MRT turnstile and she went off to the S.A.M. machine. I went to rest against the wall and Garret and I were talking when suddenly, Fiona came and stood next to me.Garret and I were like so shocked, cos Fiona didn't even notice us.Garret said hi to her and she was like, Oh! I didn't know that it was you. I thought you were someone else. -.-
After awhile, Heidi arrived.Fiona and Garret bought KFC then we went to the library.Called Hong Xiang to come down (He, Shazlin and Timothy were studying @ the library).All 3 of them came down.When they came down, Shazlin and Hongxiang told us something really funny and gross that happened to Timothy.When they were gng down the escalotor @ the MRT, a caucasian man was standing next to him said Hi.
"Hi, I'm Jon.""Hi, uh. I'm Timothy."They shook hands. THEN the caucasian man like.. scratched the inside of Timothy's hand.Supposedly, it means 'I wanna have sex with you." LMAO!!!!The Caucasian guy asked him how old he was. Timothy said '15." The guy, who looked FORTY said that he was 20. Then he said," I wanna fuck you." !!!!!Timothy was SO freaked out that he ran away. lol!!Shazlin and HongXiang said it was because Timothy was wearing these super short pair of shorts that, as Heidi said, looked like his boxer shorts. LOL!Anyway, back to the topic.
Heidi told us that we're gonna spar. damn.2 people in each team. 1 person was be 1st and 3rd speaker, the other person was 2nd and reply speaker.
I was in prop with Hong Xiang and Garret was in Opp with Fiona.The motion was : THW abolish the mandatory (LOL! Garret dunno how to spell mandatory) study of MT in secondary schools.It was damn funny.Hong Xiang and I forgot how to debate. So we asked Heidi lor.We were given TEN mins to prep before debating. Anyway, she gave us a lot more time than 10 mins.. -.-Fiona and Hong Xiang were like, Eh! Let's give her a totally crap debate!And a totally crap debate we gave Heidi.
During the debate, each speaker was given 6 minutes and the reply speech was 3 minutes.None of us gave speeches longer than 3 and a half minutes!! And Garret's one was the longest cos the POI that I gave him was SUPER long. hee.When I finished POI-ing him Hong Xiang told me that my POI was soo long, it might as well have been a substantive. LOL.And when I POI-ed, I didn't wait for him to accept but I just started saying. AH!!!We didn't have the reply speech.. Maybe we sucked too much?
During the debrief, Heidi was like," You guys totally SUCKED. This debrief is gonna be REALLY vulgar."Then she started with 1st speaker prop, Hong Xiang. Then 1st speaker opp, Garret, then me, 2nd speaker prop, then 2nd speaker opp, Fiona then the two 3rd speakers.Garret was like severely whacked by Heidi's scolding. Seriously, she kept on scolding him.And she kept using the phrase 'screw you upside down'. lol.
When we were let off, Garret and I walked to the Bugis MRT station.He was gonna meet Wei Quan but he also wanted me to teach him Canon in D.I made him choose la. Cos I wanted to go home if I didn't go and teach him Canon immediately.He wanted me to wait for him to wait for him to meet Wei Quan first.
In the end, we went to take the green line to his house. Yay! I win! lol. But waste my bus fare..While waiting for the train, we met Shazlin, Timothy and Hong Xiang.They were like, Wah, you 2 dating ah?Then Shazlin was like," I thought that you with.. Wei Zhou one?"WTH!!!Then I was like, NO!! Then.. heehee. I said, Garret with xiao xuan one! woops. =D
In the MRT, it was really crowded so the 2 guys (HX n T) nearly couldn't get in, so they started pushing. OH GOSH man..They pushed really really hard and I felt so SQUISHED.Shazlin and Garret were holding the wall cos there wasn't a pole nearby for them to hold.T n HX were trapped underneath their armpits. LOL!
During the train ride, we were all talking away. blahblahblahblah.When we reached the Tanah Merah stop, I said bye to them and said tt i was gonna teach him something (canon in d). They were all like, Better safe than sorry, must be careful, must use protection etc. ...wth!!!!ANYWAY. Garret was hungry cos I was eating my curry naan from Breadtalk in front of him - the PIG.I didnt eat lunch so I ate that. He ate KFC alrdy still wanna eat.So we went to buy food first.He bought rice lah. piggy piggy pig!Anyway, I taught him awhile. I met his brother when we went into the house. I taught Garret a bit and while he was playing the keyboard, I wanted to read Archie Comics so I went snooping around the house. teeheehee.But when I was halfway snooping through his room, his dad n mum came back.Oh ya oh ya!! He has a friggin PINK COMB on his dresser!!! LOL!!!And he has the 'Electric Tales of Pikachu' or something like tt. GOSH. How mature.
Anyway, I left his house with him @ 5.20.He was gonna meet Wei Quan.I went to my grandma's house.LALALAAA. After that I went to the library and borrowed books with my sis. =)
friends forever ; 6:11 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
Today I went to school for choir and Ms Lye made us sing 'Everyone Sang'.When we were singing it, I was thinking how the standard of our singing was compared to the one at the conducting workshop.Man, we suck.Nvm, we barely practised. Hopefully we can improve a LOT.
We sang that, did the Zipadeedoodah dance and THEN. Ms Lye wanted to hear our acapella group sing.And, MAGGIE DIDN'T COME!
!@#$%We went and started singing.I was like SO nervous!! Then when we were singing, my voice keep trembling and I couldn't hold the note. AHH!!Then when we reached the part where the guys always have the wrong timing, it happened AGAIN!!!They were wrong and Wan Leng, Qiu Mei and gangan looked confused so I waited for the guys to get back on track and we continued to sing.
Qiu Mei, gangan, Wei Yin and some other MEAN people kept on saying Wei Zhou's name to me, cos I had to sing 'Only You' at the end of the song.And Ms Lye told me to have more expression.
Then we went down to the hall and went on stage.We arranged ourselves for the Disney dance and then went offstage. Ms Lye said that the acapella should perform first.So we went onstage with Qiu Mei and gangan still furiously muttering 'Wei Zhou Wei Zhou Wei Zhou' to me. -.-Firdaus heard them and he was like 'Wei Zhou?' at me. URGHHHH.We sang Only You and this time I wasn't as nervous as the first time in the Choir Room.But when it came to the last part, when I was supposed to sing'Only You', Qiu Mei and gangan started saying Wei Zhou's name again. DAMN. I laughed. lol. Then the effect was spoilt. Cos when we sang 'And all I ever knew..' the harmony was soooo nice!!Then I laughed and spoilt the
Anyway, after that, I walked to the MRT with Benny, Anna, Si Jie and Wei Yin.While crossing the road, Wei Yin was tying her hair and she asked me 'if got any hair drop out anot?' So I was like," Oh no!! Your wig dropped! Where is it!" lol. Cos she asked if her hair 'dropped out'.Then, she borrowed my comp and BROKE IT!!!GRRR.
All 5 of us took the MRT and I met Xue Wei at the Bedok MRT.Anna, Wei Yin and I dropped at Tampines.Wei Yin and I went to TM's Popular.On the way there, we met Xin Yi and Wan Leng, Elaine and Jasmine and when we went into Popular, we met YingYing and Ka Ching.After we had eaten, we went downstairs and went through Isetan. Kelvin Ong was working there, selling something REALLY REALLY manly.Umbrellas. ROTFL!Wei Yin and I went over and she said hi to him, then we went to the Macs near the interchange,There, we met Siok Wen and 3 of her friends. I recognised the guy who was there.. He's from our sch..Anyway, we bought drinks and she helped me with my maths for.. 20 mins. -.- So I did my maths from.. 2 plus to about 5. I completed it except for the.. inverse n direct proportion part.
I came home, put down my bag, washed up and went out again. lol.I went to the library to return my books. Then I came back and slacked the whole night. :))
friends forever ; 6:11 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I was awoken by my dad at about 10 plus. He said that his friend was coming and we had to get up.URGH. Damn.I spent the morning slacking around the house using internet.Right after my lunch at about 12 plus, gangan called and told me that my name was on the list to go for the SL/SC thingy.They went to confirm if I had to go while I took a bath.Then I called Wee Ting's phoneGangan told me tt after Wee Ting answered, she passed the phone to gangan and she din noe what to say so she passed it on.Pass pass pass until the phone reached Shukrie.He started talking and stuff. Then he swore into the phone. I was so pissed off that I hung up.At that time I didn't know that it was Shukrie but I was pissed off anyway.
Gangan called me on my hp and asked why I hung up. Then she told me that I could come if I wanted.I couldn't wait to get out of the house so I immediately changed and went out.Took 67 to school and saw this guy with a really cool hairstyle.
Dropped off at school and went in.I saw Jaron, Leslie, Syafi'ie and.. n one more guy but I forgot who.I went into the MPH and Shazlin told me where I had to sit.My partner was Wen Qiang.It was quite sian. Shazlin and Fiona talked a bit then there was a sort of break,then suddenly, they were announcing that we were dismissed.-.-waste my time sia.I went to the canteen, called Tiff and got her to come out and meet me and help me with maths. hee.Walked out of the canteen.
I walked to the library, chose a book and went to the kids section to wait for Tiff.2 guys approached me and talked to me about something.HAHA. Tiff, I won't say what. It's 'private'. LOL.heehee. purposely don't tell you.
Anyway, the 2 guys were called Jian Hao and Steven and they were from some Poly.The Steven looked really cool, like Hawk from SickStep (whoever watches So You Think You Can Dance should know).Anyway, they were talking to me for like.. 10 mins when Tiff came so she waited around for them to finish.Then we went to sit at some pathetically small table and chair thingy.We both squished ourselves in. lol.
We did work (actually, it was only me. cos I can concentrate while talking but Tiff can't) so I was chattering away and doing my maths while Tiff had her Bio book out and was watching me. lol.We decided to go downstairs to the cafe to study instead.We both tried to get out of the tiny seat at the same time and we both whacked into the table. LOL.We were laughing like siao and the lady nearby was looking at us.WHAT! Kan shen me kan? Mei kan guo shuai ge ah!?lol.We went to the cafe and I bought a Strawberry Italian Cooler. AHHH. Bliss.I can't rmb what Tiff bought. It was some chocolate thingy.Anyway we started doing work.LALAL. Do until.. about 5.30 then we went home.
On the bus ride home, some old man came to sit next to me so I let him sit inside.BLOODY HELL.He wasn't FAT but he took up about three bloody quarters of the whole seat.I was reduced to asking him to MOVE HIS DAMN BUTT. (politely, of course)"Excuse me, can you move there a bit?""Huh?"*repeats twice*He finally moved his butt over but his leg was still taking up 3/4 of the space. DAMMIT.I wanted to punch his damn face.Old man then can take up so much ah!? I had a good mind to do something really embarassing to him like asking really loudly:"Excuse me, could you move over? You're taking up TOO MUCH SPACE." If I said it really loudly, he might get so embarassed that he'll move his butt over.
friends forever ; 5:18 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Went to TM today.
Met my 2 aunts and 3 cousins.
We decided to go the the Family International Buffet, once known as Pariss.
Bloody hell. lol. soo full sia.
I ate like 3 servings of the salad. lol.
I sacrificed my appetite and ate the raw oyster and salmon!
The salmon didn't make me feel like puking (yet) but the oyster was a little bit bitter and soft and squishy and smelly and COLD.
The thin slice of lemon didn't help at all. WHY SO BUDGET?? I need a bigger slice of lemon!
The ubi tempura was really nice but they didn't refill the plate after all were taken.
My aunts said that the sushi sucked though, cos the rice was too hard.
My primary 6 cousin was like a bottomless pit! He ate like FIVE or SIX fishes and LOADS of the steaks.
I shared a chicken steak with another cousin and ate other stuff.
Hmm. Let's see if I can remember what I ate. lol.
2 ubi tempura.
4 salads.
1 oyster.
1 mussel
2 scallops
1 nugget
1 seafood ring (something like onion ring)
1 honey chicken drumstick
yam and mint choc ice cream
2 siew mai
1 curry samosa
1 spring roll thingy
1 mini char siew pao
1 chawanmushi
1/3 chicken steak
1 fish
oh god. this looks humongous.
i cant remember anything else. it think still got though..
After that went to some shops and bought some stuff.
Went to popular.
Four of us (my 3 cousins and i) bought SIXTY BUCKS worth of stationary. lol. so pro.
I kind of feel sorry for my aunts.
After spending about 10 more bucks on us, we all left.
My PIG of a cousin wantedto go home and sleep. LOL. piggypiggypigg
YAY. My '10 Things I Hate About You' download finish liao!!
The movie's like really really sweet, nice, funny and heartwarming..
Can't wait for tomorrow!
I can open my present (note that its SINGULAR. only one present. =( but THANKS corr for passing my present to xw=))) ) and my 2 cousins are coming to my house with loads of movies and games and my computer pro cousin will help me to get the internet working on my comp!!

friends forever ; 11:24 PM
Woke up this morning...
duh. lol.
Slacked around the house downloading movies and playing games etc.
Watched the new episode of naruto and talked crap with Jaron and Leslie.
I shall try out a new laugh: teeheehee.
awww. so delicate! LOL.
Finally decided to move at about 3 plus so I went to bathe.
While my hair was drying, I lay in bed to read and... dozed off. lol.
I woke up every 5 minutes and finally, at about 4, I finally got my butt off the bed.
I changed and packed my bag. lala.
Went to TM. CRAP sia.
It was sooo bloody crowded man...
I saw Wan Leng queuing up with her mum and sis to buy some stuff.
As usual, I was acting spaz so I pretended not to see her. lol!
Went walk around TM looking for presents.
The whole place was sooo crowded so I went to the basement instead.
I bought some kind of christmas present thingy for all the 7 xian nu + ah ball and ah gun.
I'm SO nice!!
But.. I dunno what gift to give each person.
And the gifts are just different types of snacks - mostly chocolate.
So, I'm going to give each snack a number and let each person choose a number.
Then the person will get the snack that has the same number.
Hee. Great way to solve my problem cos if you choose something that you don't really want, it's none of my business. YAY!!
I was walking to CS when I saw Marcus, his younger bro and his mum.
ONCE AGAIN, I pretended to scratch my face and looked away.
Then when I was in the basement of CS, I saw MRS LEE!!! o.O
I walked SUPER fast to get away from her even though it's unlikely that she'll recognise me anyway.
I bought somemore stuff at CS and walked home.
Put my stuff down and left to go to my grandmother's house.
WAHH. 3 copies of 8 Days for me to read. HEHH.
I ate like, FOUR ferrero rochers. =X
And I tried some of the rendang. AHH!!
I'm not sticking to my rule of NO SPICY FOOD.
lol. and chocs are heaty and bad for the voice too.
AI YAH. I go and kill myself la.
Anyway, played dai di the whoole night.
Tomorrow my 2 aunts are gonna treat me and my 3 cousins to lunch.
YAY. Hope I can do some shopping with them. Maybe I can get a pencil box and wallet.
AHH. I kind of feel guilty already.
My christmas wish: I wish that *e **** *e***e ***e
hangman! guess what my christmas wish is!
p.s. it isnt wishing that jeff will be mine cos.. he already is!! =)))) lol.
friends forever ; 5:33 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006
Went to school for choir today.
There was a HUGE jam at the bus stop so I thought that I'd be late.
End up choir started half an hour late. -.-
Went to school, hung up the banner.
So many people wanted to see my braces. lol. Commenting on how cute it is. urghh.
Finally, it was done like half an hour later.
The future sec 1s were going into the classrooms.
I remember when I was primary 6-going-on- sec 1, and we went into the classrooms.
We were given time to walk around the school and I thought that we could go home already so I just left. LOL. So 'stulud'.
Anyway, went into the choir room, did warmups, zipadeedoodah and stuff.
Ah Ball and I taught Yan Ting and gangan how to dance it while yingying and wei yin taught the rest of the altos.
At about 11.20, Ms Seow came in and dismissed us.
Yes. Dismissed us FORTY MINUTES EARLY. wth.
And Siok Wen looked so shocked. lol.
Today was alumni day!
Siok Wen and (the one who's FOREVER free) Weslie and Lee Lian (with her dyed hair) and Bao Hui (looking the same! my lao gong!) and Magdalene (with her new fringe) ALL came.
When everyone was dismissed, our acapella group practised with our new member, Yan Jie!
He's like SUPER pro la. WHAT THE HELL.
He got the whole SUPER hard bass part without even practising it.
He just has to look at the score.
I'm SO jealous. If only I could be as pro..
Then the guys had to go into the room to practise their acapella piece 'Let's Get It Started'.
AHHAHAHA. Crapped sooooo much.
Wan Leng, Mag and I went downstairs to the canteen. Met gangan and ah ball.
I asked them to go down with us and they came..
HEEHE. Gangan gave me a nugget and qiu mei sacrificed her nugget(that she was gonna take from gangan). hee.
I ate that and bought a peach tea.
Went upstairs with gangan and ah ball.
Wei Yin GRABBED me and asked me to sing Let It Shine with the sec3's acapella grp consisting of Pearlyn(sp?), Xin Min, Yan Ting, Y2 and Wei Yin.
I sang with them. lalalalalaaaa.
Called WL and Mag to come too cos the S2 n S1 needed help.
The sec 3s seemed to think that we would JOIN their acapella group just cos we came to help. @#$%
I'll think about it. Call my secretary in about 3 days time and I'll get back to you. lol.
While YanTing and the other sec 3s went off, Bao Hui and I sat on the piano bench while I was playing the piano and chatted.
AHA! Miss my lao gong! lol.
After that, Wei Yin, Ah Ball, GanGan and I went outside.
LOL. Wei Yin and gangan 'pon-ed' the SC debrief.
And Wei Yin wanted to noe what was going on so I embarassed myself for her.
I went to the SC room and rested against the wall there and tried to look in and find Si Jie.
Bloody hell.
SOO many counsellors saw me. lol.
Wei Zhou saw me so I was trying to signal to him that I wanted to find Si Jie but after looking at me for a few seconds, he just looked away. -.-
Finally, after letting Glen Siow, Yan Ting, Wei Zhou, Shazlin, Luqman, Ding Yang, Jason and a few other counsellors see me, I FINALLY managed to see Si Jie.
I DRAGGED Wei Yin from her hiding place and made her see Si Jie.
After they talked finish, all 4 of us stood there trying to eavesdrop in what Mrs Willman and Ms Chia were saying.
Lol. Fun sia.
We were sort of going back to the choir room when Mrs Chua came up.
She listened to the boys' acapella.
No offence but I really didn't like it.
De Hong's personality suits the solo but not his voice.
The background is too loud n too sian.
The song doesn't blend together..
I wish they chose another song that would sound good with soo many guys in it.
ALL the guys in choir are in the song except for benny and shukrie. and i think Alvin too.
Then it was our turn.
Sang it and Mrs Chua said that the solo was too soft.
Mag and I tried to sing together. Y2 said it was better. So did gangan and ah ball.
We were gonna try somemore but Firdaus had to go for his Friday prayers.
We went to the library cos Mdm Yue wanted to listen to us.
There, we sang somemore.
End up now I will sing my original part and Mag goes back to Sop for the song.
I have to 'sing the song with EXPRESSION!' and sing with a firmer voice. urgh.
Expression. URGHH. the thing I'm worst at when it comes to singing.
I remember during the preparation for the KL trip.
Ms Lye kept asking me to put a smile on my face cos I looked like I was being tortured. lol.
We all left except for the 2 guys cos Mdm Yue wanted to see them.
So it's confirmed. We will perform on stage. For the sec 1 orientation I think.
And I'm supposed to have a mic to myself. AH. I have mic-o-phobia.
Went to the canteen with ah ball n gangan.
I borrowed gangan's phone to call corr.
Ended up they weren't going to bugis so.. forgeddit.
I took 28 home with gangan.
She was like sooo high!
Kept on 'duh-ing' away and pretending that Wei Zhou was Moose from archie comics. LOL.
DUH, I miss you! LOL.
I told Edi that I thought he looked pretty w/o his glasses cos he took 28 with us. lol.
I went home and to my JOY, NO ONE WAS HOME!!!
I switched on the computer and started dancing. lol.
No, I didn't DANCE but I sang.
I was like looking in the cupboards for what to eat for lunch.
Then I realised that I wasn't hungry at all so I just learnt from Garret.
I didn't eat cos I wasn't hungry!
lol. Instead, I watched youtube and chatted and stuff.
I only got hungry at about 6 plus. lol.
Maybe it's because I ate a banana for breakfast? cool.
Today Jaron went CRAZY! SOOO lame!!
Anyway, it's 9.50pm right now and I've been using the comp for... about SEVEN whole hours.
OH GOSH. My eyesight is gonna get worse.
I just realised what a LOOOONG post I wrote.
I'm soo tired. Gonna go read my book and listen to music before sleeping. ta.
friends forever ; 5:56 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Yesterday went to school to do the banner stuff.
Ah Ball, Ah Gun and I reached on time and went to look for Mrs Chua.
She gave us the keys to open the choir room.
Went in, started painting.
Maggie came @ 10.
Then, a guy stuck his head into the choir room and Maggie was like,"Hi!" in this ultra-friendly voice and I said,"Huan ying guang ling!"
We thought that it was wan leng!!
pai seh man..
We painted n stuff, shifted into the storeroom to paint cos Mrs Chua was afraid that we'd paint the floor.
Too bad! The floor already kena before she told us to shift in. lol!
After we shifted in, I started slacking a bit.
Helped mag to hold the cloth while she painted then I used my comp.
Showed ah ball(qiumei) my pics and stuff.
Then I showed Mag n Wan Leng.
We went for lunch at KFC.
Went back to school.
Saw a man who was wearing high heels. wth??
We had acapella.
Once again, Firdaus didn't turn up.
The prac was quite good though.
lol. It was fun torturing Benjamin.
While everyone else was practising, I made him sing "Mary had a little lamb" loudly. lol.
Who asked him to sing sooo softly.
After that, did some banner again and left school @ 5.
I was 15 mins late meeting my 'lover'. -.-
We went to this place selling steaks and chicken n fish and stuff like that.
I had teriyaki chicken, potato salad and onion rings.
MAN! My potato salad was the BEST man.
My dad, mum and sis went to PP while my bro took 31 to TM and I took 15 home.
SOOO crowded sia..
I reached home, bathed and went to use my bro's comp but the internet had probs agn.
My sis and I watched '10 Things I Hate About You'.
AHHH!! The movie is so sweet man. And sarcastic humour suits me! =))
The guy smile until sooo cute! And the school cousellor is so... horny? lol!
While watching, I ate fruits and we ate chocs tt my mum passed to us. nicenice. :)))
I taught my sis some of the forbidden love and then I dozed off.
SOOOO tired.
Today I woke up, used the comp and stuff..
After lunch, my mum, sis and I had a conference.
We spent 45 MINS deciding where to go! !@#$%
End up, we went to Suntec.
Bought a few stuff, window shopped and then went home. lol
So sian
Came home, used the comp more.
And the song kind of sucks.
But anyway, let everyone hear la.
Hope that I can get my new pencil box b4 sch reopens!!
friends forever ; 2:45 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Went to school early at about 9..
Met Anna, Si Jie, Ka Ching, Shu Yi and Ke Xin.
When Wan Leng and Wee Ting came, we started brainstorming for ideas.
I asked the UNHELPFUL seniors for help..
They told me to contact 'Daddy'.
I asked who 'Daddy' was and they told me to ask 'Jie jie'.
Guess what? 'Jie Jie' is WEI QUAN and 'Daddy' is MIN SAN. wth.
Loads of stuff happened.
So tired.
friends forever ; 1:16 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
debate camp post.
We took the 67 to Nanyang girls'.
The past few days, I've been obsessing about.. JEFF and M-PACT!!
We were like soo blur about the whole debate thing.
We were split into 2 groups.
Group A - Heidi, Garret, I
Group B - Gangan n Tiffany (e6)
The whole thing was a blur lah.
My group ah.. there was this indian girl who was TOTALLY bossy and irritating.
I disliked the food for the 1st day too.
BUT. The food was better on the 1st than on the 2nd day.
THANK GOD I predicted that the food would suck on the 2nd day.. so I brought a muesli bar to eat instead.
I LOVED the exibition debate.
ESPECIALLY that uber cool guy.. the 1st speaker. sam something. lol.
He's the oneworking in the army. WAYYY COOL.
He's calm and composed yet witty and connects with the audience. *faints in adoration* lol
On the way home on the first day, there was this guy who kept looking back at us.
Garret, gangan n I were sitting @ the last row and tlaking about the camp and stuff and he kept looking at us..
(WHAT?! Never see shuai ge b4 ah?!) lol.
After like.. VERY long, he came to sit next to garret. omg.
he talked to him and garret acted macho..
He 'clenched his fists and frowned hard', trying to intimidate the guy.
lol. to be honest, when he demo-ed for me to see, it looked like he had constipation or had a facial tic. lol.
Garret 'nobly, selflessly' decided to 'send us home' on the first on account tt he wanted to 'season' his new shoes.
We took 67 agn.. Supposed to meet garret on the bus but the bloody bugger was still @ home when we boarded the bus. too bad. he missed it.
Met him @ the NYGH bus stop.
2nd day was loads more fun.
We had a workshop on POIs first.
That REALLY made me interested!!
that was SOOOO nice to watch man..
The arguments back and forth were wayyy cool.
The nicholas was so funny!
Vishal (sp?) kept mixing his name up.. One moment calling him benjamin, one moment calling his christopher. lol!
THEN. We went to the dance studio thingy and played big booty.
That involved shaking yr butt to the beat and saying some numbers..
then they made us walk around the room making eye contact. urrgh.
then the 'eww' part. we stood in a circle and turned to the right and massaged the person infront of us.
In my case, it was garret.
i TORTURED him by massaging the really pain one.
then the damn guy told us to massgae the forearms to the fingertips. what the hell.
i of course didnt do it.
then.. oh shit sia.
the guy told us to turn to our left and massage the person in front of us.
For garret, it was payback time.
ouch ouch OUCH.
but not as pain as i expected la.
then we did the whole drama thing..
it was really cute but too tedious to type out.. if u wanna noe wat happened, which i doubt, then u can ask me. =))
We had a debate. each person HAD to debate at least once.
mine was scary and.. demoralising.
soo many POIs r scary! and i spoke for... 2 mins plus. omg so paiseh.
the limit given was 6 mins, n i spoke for 2 mins. god.
Our adjudicator was jonathan pflug.
COOL surname.
He looked eurasian.. hes really nice and during the debate debrief, he didnt scold us at all.
also.. a plus point is tt he's the national debate team's coach and easy on the eyes.
omg. i DID NOT just say tt. lol.
we went back to the auditorium and there was another exhibition debate on our motion tt THW place age restrictions on violent cartoons.
lol! powerpuff girls were named! yay me! ( i suggested using the PPG as a positive example)
Once again, my fave debator ( the cool cool army guy) was 1st speaker.
i took SOOOO many pics of the alumni team. shuai ma. lol.
they're just too cool la. LURVE their debating skills.
We took the bus home after tt.
We left like 7 plus. wth!
reached home 8 plus.
SOOO tired but nt hungry at all.
3rd day
Woke up @ 7. left the house early to go to garret's.
DAMN. He was a bloody half an hour late.
I HATE HIM!! idiot.
I waited for 50 mins.. cos i came 20 mins early. lol
Went his house, learnt some forbidden love, taught him canon in D.
i managed to sort out my songs!! yay!
garret's toilet is SOOO sucky!!!
they dont have toilet rolls. they use tissues from the small small packets. WTH!!
i lurveeee m pact.
jeff is MINE
after v v long, gangan arrived.
gangan n i sang and stuff.
irritated garret by singing. hee.
garret's sis bought us lunch. SOO peppery.
i ate finish first so i went to use the comp some more.=D
we left @ 1plus.
walked 1 bus stop to tanah merah mrt and took mrt to orchard.
went to the library and met some debate camp ppl there.
i wished some of them luck when gangan n i went to the toilet.
the debate was nice la.
i would've chosen the opp as the winners of the debate. yeah.
lol. the unprotected sex part..
the motion was.. THBT the time has come to ban smoking.
so the 3rd speaker for opp said tt there're many unhealthy things tt the govt allows. such as fast food..
then he strated syaing, why nt ban all these?
ban fast food, ban unprotected sex. LOL.
everyone was like laughing.
took mrt back home. once again gangan n garet were embarassing me.
omg. acting like small kids sia.
so i pretended tt i din noe them.. lol.
llaaala. dead tired after waking up so early the past few days..
friends forever ; 4:53 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Went to volunteer today.
lol. Xue Wei was waiting at the MRT station while I waited in the volunteer lounge.
In the end I asked Tiff to help me call her.
We sorted and folded one bag then went off.
Stupid Firdaus.. So act dao.
I met him and told him about the acapella n he like dun care dun care so I just ignored him.
I went to Xue Wei's house.
She ah! Buy SOOO much.
I scolded her. lol.
She bought 2 bars of kit kat, the big big kind.
Then she wanted to buy some rice.
I dragged her off before she could buy.
Then she wanted to buy french fries from Macs.
I scolded her and din allow her to buy so instead she bought the vanilla ice cream cone.
THEN. We took the MRT to Tampines. I told her about Step Up cos she couldn't watch it.
We went to the Q Bread shop near the interchange and she bought a waffle.
Then we went to Old Chang Kee where she bought a stick of sotong head onstick, one sotong nugget thingy and ... one more thing. but I forgot what it was.
We went to her house and sat there watching tv and talking.
Quite fun.
But she kept saying tt I very 'ke qi'. Like.. she offered me a drink and I din want.. So I said no thanks.
And she was like," No need to be so ke qi la!"
After that we went to 7 Eleven and she bought chips while I bought Tao Kae Noi.
friends forever ; 3:39 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Went to ECP to celebrate Tiff's bday yesterday.
Maggie, Wan Leng, Xin Yi and Wee Ting were late by HALF AN HOUR.
Corr, Tiff and I waited at Macs for them sooooo patiently. lol.
Saw Si Tian sitting there with a bunch of her friends.
Also saw a few child stars. Probably filming some show.
FINALLY they arrived and bought some drinks.
We went to a bike shop.
The bikes were going at $6 for 1 hour - with 1 hour thrown in.
Tiff, Corr n I wanted those bikes but the others din have enough money.
The guy cut it to $5 for us so in the end they gave in and we saved a dollar each! =))
The 3 of us cycled till we couldn't see the 4 of them anymore.
We decided to go to the beach and play there while waiting for them to come.
We jumped in the sea, took pics and.. spazzed. fun la.
At about 4.25, dark clouds started to gather so we cycled back.
CHIONG-ED like siao and made it back to the bike shop JUST in time.
SOOOOO tired. My leg muscles are DYING man..
Bought drinks @ 7 Eleven.
Wan Leng, Xin Yi, Mag n Wee Ting went home while Corr, Tiff and I went to sit at the rocks near the beach.
We drank our drinks, talked, took pics and listened to music through my mp3 and speakers.
At about 6, we decided to go back cos it started drizzling.
Took 15 back.
I sat with Corr and I let her listen to some M-PACT songs.
SOOO nice! I was TOTALLY acting crazy, hee.
I reached home, ate my dinner and went to Popular to buy books.
I saw a bunch of volleyball ppl in Popular and in TM.
the end.
Went to school for the stock taking thing.
I did the scores with Anna, Mag(but she ran away) and Suryana.
Quite fun - i think.
There were like, MOUNTAINS of scores and books of scores.
It was really dusty though and Anna had a runny nose.
I was acting spastic cos they were playing some music on the radio.
I spazzed with Anna a bit. lol. fun.
Then when Firdaus came to ask me something, the song 'White Houses' by Vanessa Carlton came on. Immediately, Anna, Suryana and I were like 'de de de de de de de-ing' to the starting music of the song and Firdaus got this really shocked look on his face which made us all laugh.
@ about 12, I told Mrs Chua tt we were going for lunch.
We went to the coffeeshop near sch.
We jay walked but gangan didnt DARE to. Saying tt shes a 'good citizen' lol.
Bought FIVE packets of chicken rice and 2 drinks and went back to sch.
I bought so many cos I was da bao-ing for Weslie, Yan Jie, Mrs Chua and Gangan.
We reached the choir room but Mrs Chua said that we weren't allowed to eat in the choir room.
Maggie and Wan Leng pang seh-ed us and went down.
Gangan and I sat at the staircase to eat. hee.
When I finished eating, I saw Qiu Mei walking towards the choir room.
I went to the toilet and when she came to find me... I hid. LOL.
We practised...
It was NICE.
Except... for ME!
I said that the thing was too high for me to pronounce the words properly so...
Maggie is gonna take over me for the verses. YAY!
AND I think it sounded quite nice!!
I sort of know how to sing the sop part for the verses alrdy. YAYYY.
Yan Jie and Weslie helped a lot!
I suddenly rmb Weslie..
I asked himif he knew how to sing the song.
He said tt he dunno.. then he started singing the song. LOL! LAMER.
After that we went to the canteen to practise a few more times.
I like it! =))
I fele excited now. YEAHH
friends forever ; 2:43 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I went to my Tekka Mall on Sat and sat around VERY long while my aunt and her sis-in-law were doing god-knows-what. Then, we went somewhere and I bought a set of batteries and earphones.
Then, my aunt and I went to Toa Payoh. OMFG sia. She topped mup my card for me. 20 bucks. THEN she blew 35 bucks on 2 pairs of flip flops that I wanted. WOO. nice man.
Altogether she spent abt 60 bucks on me. in ONE day. not counting food. If you count food.. it would be about 70 bucks.
I went to my grandma's house and spent the whole night at my aunt's house (she lives next door to my grandma) watching tv.
Today, I vegged out the WHOLE day.
I played the piano @ my aunt's house.. I taught my cousin to play some songs and used the comp (for abt 10 mins. lol.). I brought only ONE book to my grandma's house and I finished it before I even reached Tekka Mall. DAMN.
I read the book 2 times during the 2 days I spent there. ARGH. SO tired and sian on the 2nd day.
On friday, I went to the 'conducting workshop' with gangan, yingying and yanting. We took 31 and... got lost. Ended up taking 31 allll the way to whampoa. Which is.. in the middle of nowhere. ARGH. Called Ms Lye and she made us take a cab to TKSS. crapp.
The whole thing was sooo sian. The only good thing was tt I smuggled some scores out (even though they said tt we cant. woops. =)) ). Some of the songs were seriously very nice!!
I'm still obsessed with m-pact. especially the member named jeff. =))
AHH. Not my fault he's so cute right??
btw, anyone who sees wei yin online must tell her to REMEMBER to go for acapella this coming wednesday. THANKS =))
friends forever ; 5:41 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
1. Everyone going on Tuesday, if you want to meet at Tampines cos u don't know how to go etc, call me on Monday night.
If not, meet at the MacDonald's at Marine Cove at 1pm, AFTER you have finished your lunch.
2. Ying Ying: If there's acapella on Monday, call me LATE sunday night.. like.. 10 plus. no later, but no earlier. Cos I'll be home late.
3. Anyone wanna go watch Happy Feet? I'm so deprived but I still wanna watch cos I likethe soundtrack. =))
4. GARRET! (Someone go tell him to see my blog!) Go organise a bb session!! It's time for the guys to do it instead of us girls. GO GO GO!
5. Gangan: If Heidi tells you anything about the debate camp or the sessions BEFORE the debate camp, email me the details or.. call me on Sunday night, @ 10 plus. THANKS!
friends forever ; 5:25 AM
URGH. The 'conducting workshop' was a waste of time!!
Shall blog another day. Im too sleeppyyyyy.
friends forever ; 5:17 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
4thdec post.
Went to the dentist early this morning. Reached there about 10am.
I had to wait about half an hour before I was called into the room.
THe dentist did a couple of stuff to my teeth before he started putting the braces onto my teeth.
To tell the truth, it did hurt-a little.
The dentist told me to go out and wait for him to call me in to put wire on.
After the dentist put the wire on, I expected it to start hurting.
It didn't! But after going down the escalator to the first level, it hurt.
Ouch. My teeth are being WRENCHED from their positions and forced into a supposedly more orderly position. DUH it has to hurt..
My poor poor teeth.
I took bus 33 to bedok and along the ride, the bus was very quiet.
I read my book, used my laptop as a mirror and listened to music.
Once, the bus was empty except for me and another woman sitting in front, I decided to sing.
Lol. thank God no one caught me..
I reached school.
Met Yingying, Farhana and Suryana in the canteen and saw Yan Jie, Firdaus, De Hong and Weslie at the new piano.
I met Yan Ting and Xin Min too but they were preparing to leave when I came.
All the girls were like super shocked about my teeth.
I sat down in the canteen and read my book while waiting for them to complete their 'Don't Know Why' practice.
Met Wei Zhou and Leslie too. They came to school to buy books.
o.O Braces people. hee.
Then gangan arrived..
I took out my laptop to play while they were combining 'Don't Know Why'.
De Hong kept trying to play. He wanted to play Super Mario. -.-
Firdaus kept saying that I brought my 'Haser' laptop. lol. It's HASEE! As in hussy. =))
Yingying got so fed up that she asked me to switch it off. lol.
FINALLY we could have prac for 'It's You'.
Seriously, I have no idea if we can pull this song off.
It seemed kinda easy during Camp A Capella but today it seemed loads harder.
Yingying and I requested that Yan Jie help us write the notes for Bass and Tenor. Lol. I seriously pity him.
My part and Yingying's part sort of clashed. And gangan's part was high. lol
After veryverryyyy long, I suggested that we don't do Bass and just have SAT instead of SATB.
Yingying tried the Sop part and together... It sounded like shit.
One time Mr Goh walked up to us and I got a shock.
Haha. he was attracted to the sounds of melodious singing. =)
We gave up at about 2.40. Just 1 hour of practice.
I dragged gangan to Macs.
We both ate some stuff.
Like a bad dream, something bad happened to me.
Last time, my McFlurry fell onto the floor. This time, my sundae spilt onto my tray. oops.
Gangan and I just used our fries to wipe the fudge off. =D
How gross is THAT? lol.
We ate, then I showed her the noteworthy thing.
She was so blur! After I explained, she said that it was really hard and confusing. lol.. CHEWY!
After that, we ran for the bus 17.
I was holding a cup of cold water from Macs and while running... some of the water spilt.
I pity the woman in front of me. Some of the water spilt onto her and she was looking around, trying to figure where the water came from. lol.
Some ulcers are alrdy coming out after the braces rubbed against my teeth.
One big news for 'Only You' acapella ppl:
I feel mean though. Cos Firdaus helped me to call benjamin (or as benson calls him, Benja) and when he asked who was in the acapella group, I said all of the ppl PLUS de hong. even though hes not in.
Firdaus la! He told me to lie. I feel mean. And EVIL. heh.
friends forever ; 3:55 AM
ARGH. BLOODY braces.
SOO many ulcers now. ouch ouch ouch.
Just now we had acapella!!
Mrs Tan wasn't in school! Grr.
No choice. Had to make do with the lousy keyboard.
The library lady had to go for lunch so we used the pianos @ the canteen first.
CRAP! None of us knew how to read bass cleft(sp?) so wwe had a hard time getting the guys to know their part.
I'm so super. lol
It didn't sound good. AT ALL.
Anyway, when we finally could go to the library, everyone was pretty sian already.
We started singing other songs like Gao Shan Qing, Dancing Song, Let It Shine, Da Hil Saiyo, Siyahamba, Libertango, Uber and... er. cant rmb anymore.
Quite fun la.
Then we went back to singing Only You.
Firdaus canNOT sing using falsetto. It will crack us up SOO much that we can't sing. Seriously.
And Bemjamin isn't THAT quiet online. Lol.
Mag n I were crapping away and he didn't seem so introvert-y.
I helped himmake a blog. hee. im so helpful.
No la. actually, I kind of twisted his arm to make him agree to make a blog so that I could help him cos I was bored shitless.
YAY. This coming Tues, we're celebrating tiff's bday.
Anyone wanna come? Gng ECP.
Gangan, If ur gng to the conducting camp, call me k? i NEED to know.
OOH ya. I forgot. TOTALLY.
Wan Leng! Help me wish my alter ego(Jaron) HAPPY BIRTHDAY cos its his birthday.
Even though he told me that he cant have ANYTHING to do with birthdays. poor guy.
I love m-pact so much. lol.
Is it possible tt im obsessing SOOO much about them even though they're probably back in the US already?
They're just TOO perfect. =))
friends forever ; 2:58 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I LOVE my new mp3.
I MISS M-pact so much.
tell u morenext time. =))
friends forever ; 4:31 AM
Friday, December 01, 2006
(nt sure if the order of events are wrong. hee.)
Today I went to school for the choir leadership workshop thing.
It wasn't what I expected.. I thought it would be a total bore.
We had ice breakers. Had the 'animal game' and the kfc game.
Then there was the breakfast which was just hotdog.
I asked Firdaus to eat mine cos I didnt feel hungry anyway.
Told lame jokes at the table.
Went to give the form to heidi.
We went back to the music room and had the DISC evaluation thingy.
Im a high I! IDCS.
Means that I'm enthusiastic, optimistic, talkative n emotional. lol. so cool.
We were also given eggs.
Before the end of the day, many MANY people cracked their eggs by accident.
there was one point where the sec 3s sang let it shine.
Alto 1 sounded pathetic. could only hear wei yin. lol.
The team building games were kind of fun.
There was the balancing game.
All the girls sat on chairs in a circle.
We had our feet on the floor and had to lie on the person behind us.
In my case, yanting(sec2) lay on me n i lay on gangan.
Wah lao. The first time we attempted this, OUCH.
Gangan's knees were hurting my back like siao.
The 2nd time, it was a lot better.
My legs were trembling andall wobbly after that.
Then there was the bucket game.
Each of the 4 teams were given a bucket half filled with water.
My team had.. Me, Anna, Shukrie, Yan Jie, Wendy, Wee Ting, Jia Hwee, Ka Ching, Haswani.
We had to sit on the floor and lift up the (bloody heavy) bucket using ONLY our feet.
First time, only feet. But had to sing a song after lifting while the bucket is in the air.
Second time, we had to take turns and took off our shoes and socks.
Third time, had to put shoes back on.
AHH. Tiring sia.
But it was fun too. =))
everytime i say his name, its like its only a game
and i need you...
GANGAN! is tt line correct anot!? frm only u. i wanna try memorising the lines.
friends forever ; 3:32 AM